Note:we apologize for any formatting issues you notice in the below text, posting into our blog from our newsletter format is challenging.
Warm holiday wishes from all of us at Dr. Brunner & Associates! We are now in our 8th of year practice and growing in leaps and bounds!
-2014 has been an incredible year of growth, highlights include the following:
-we hired Denice Salazar, as my assistant, who has helped us climb to previously unforeseen heights. Feel free to call her and introduce yourself.
-serving the community by giving invited presentations at conferences including the Annual Women’s Health Symposium held at La Paloma here in Tucson.
-several book chapters published or begun and multiple poster presentations at prestigious scientific conferences around the United States.
-increasing service to the legal community related to court ordered general mental health evaluations as well as custody evaluations
-increasing service to the business community through our Performance Edge Solutions set of services utilizing the core set of cutting-edge behavioral techniques that remain at the core of our “in the trenches” clinical work
-Our internationally published and clinically utilized State Trait Anger Expression Inventory – Second Edition (STAXI-2 C/A) has now been adapted into 9 languages around the globe. Learn more here:
We are working hard to increase the quality of the assessment and treatment of the epidemic of anger.
-Many people do not understand that they should not rush to use medication as it is rarely the “first line” of treatment , even according to many medical organizations. Want to understand what are the truly evidence-based methodsthat behavioral scientists like Dr. Brunner or psychologists can utilize to effectively treat a wide variety of mental health problems? Dr. Brunner can consult with you on any of these techniques.
-If you know a parent or adult who is struggling to manage a mental health challenge, they deserve to be educated on the power of psychological treatments that teach them skills they can use to conquer their challenges to fill their potential.
-Example of a story of hope arising out of a powerful evidence-based technique for treating ADHD-issues:
-Our cutting edge “Good to Great” blog, continues to be read by approximately 6,000 people nationwide every month. We are about to publish our 50th blog. In case you missed any of these, the most widely read content rich blogs include the following:
-With the help of one of my highly talented forensic psychology graduate students, Ms. Samantha Toale, we put together an excellent presentation for the Community Justice Board Program which is housed within the Pima County Attorney’s Office here in Tucson Arizona. Our presentation to the volunteer members of this Board, was entitled, “How to use behavioral science to cultivate the strongest possible character in youth offenders”. Our presentation was critically acclaimed. This presentation is part of our ongoing dedication to disseminating research that addresses how we precisely and effectively cultivate exemplary character in today’s youth who will be tomorrow’s leaders.
-My graduate assistant and I will be contributing to an invited presentation where I will be a panel member at the upcoming Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual Conference in Sedona, Arizona. Alongside Judge Lisa Abrams and attorney Robert Barrasso, I will conduct a review of the research regarding the negative effects of divorce and what research tells us projects better outcome for children of divorce versus, poor outcomes. If you know of parents who are in the process of getting divorced, you might forward them this informative blog that can minimize the damage children involved will incur:
For those who are not aware, the American Psychiatry Association which publishes the diagnostic manual used nationwide to diagnose mental health problems, recently discontinued the label known as “Asperger’s syndrome” and decided to re-conceptualize it as a phenomena that is more correctly considered as somewhere along the autism spectrum. I recommend that anyone with a child with what was once called Asperger’s or Autism syndrome should go to Dr. Baron Cohen’s site for cutting edge information and updates:
-In April 2014 we published a book chapter on evidence-based assessment of anger problems in youth: We remain vibrantly involved in contributing to up-to-date scientific perspectives on precise assessment of anger which is not a simple phenomena, but rather a multidimensional clinical reality demanding complex approaches.
-Feel free to sign up for our free Good to Great blog (
-Blogs written on the following topics will be forthcoming:
-what is the difference between a bright motivated student and a gifted student, and why that matters for you?
-How to distinguish between normal behavior and behavior you need to worry about in your child or adolescent
-Advice on setting up the best technology restricting ground rules prevent them from becoming so addicted to technology they lose focus on the importance of social relationships
-What are the evidence-based techniques for common mental health problems that are as or more effective than medication?
-what is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?
Do you know any aspiring undergraduate psychologists? We have an internship program, and aspiring and mature psychology major college undergraduates or graduate students who want to volunteer and receive mentorship for at least eight hours a week may inquire with Denice Salazar at 520.314.4772.
Back by popular demand!!!!! A blog to help you save 1,000’s of $$$$’s, while ensuring your student chooses a stable, productive, and meaningful career by the second year of college (Yes, it can be done!):
Wondering how you can help your child truly reach their potential? Dr. Brunner is working more and more with gifted students or youth athletes to help them become “mentally tough”. Behavioral science has discovered reliable techniques that students/athletes around the world are now using to get the EDGE. Resources for parents of highly talented or gifted students who are athletes may benefit from the following resources in which Dr. Brunner has been using:
– Sport Psychology Mental Training Manual, published by the United States Olympic Committee Sport Psychology Staff (available at the USOC website for purchase)
– Bring Your “A” Game: A Young Athletes Guide to Mental Toughness, by Jennifer Etnier
– Finding Your Zone: 10 Core Lessons for Achieving Performance in Sports and Life, by Michael Lardon and David Leadbetter
Interested to see all of our research work for 2014 or in the last 5 years?
Want 30-second updates on our broadening range of services in specific areas? Click on any of the below titles to view our hot-off-the-press brochures.
General adults:
Career guidance: