If you don’t realize that your children are being constantly bombarded by inappropriate images and language, then you have fallen asleep at the parenting wheel. How do parents safeguard their children from inappropriateness when even traditionally safe media outlets (e.g. Disney) have begun to produce media with questionable material?
Where is there a place you can go that can help you not only screen inappropriate media material but also find lists of the best movies, books, and child/adolescent websites and apps that can address particular developmental challenges your child is having right now?
One place to look is a vast library of child-friendly media information at Common Sense Media, a non-profit, user-friendly website.
Below are uniquely informative links that are examples of how useful this website is:
Best Movies on Amazon Prime Instant Videos
Best Selling new books on Amazon
50 books kids should ready before they are 12
Best Kids apps to download before a flight
Fun apps that don’t need wi-fi or data