I have conducted advanced gifted assessment in Tucson for over 20 years.
Of the approximately 160 blogs I have written, some of the most popular reveal to parents how and why they might have their child assessed for giftedness.
This is a great time of year to assess whether your child is being truly stimulated at school. Too many parents or teachers label a child lazy when actually what is happening is the child is uninspired and thus feels school is boring. When we call children lazy, often the problem is we are being lazy; we are not working hard enough to determine the kind of environment our child will thrive in.
Here are links to our critically acclaimed blogs that I can help parents who have bright children make the best educational choices, including whether they should have their child assessed for giftedness this summer:
Why and how you might have your child assessed for giftedness or exceptional talent
Gifted assessment and acceleration
Ways to tell if your child is bright versus gifted
Remember, summertime is one of the best times to help your child fill in any critical skill gaps or make important adjustments in their education.
This may mean you need to change schools, but remember that first you want to have solid scientific data that assesses your child’s intellectual profile and learning style before you make these choices.