4 Blogs to ensure you keep your sanity this school year and prevent the most likely blow-ups and bitter battles with your student

I always get a surge of calls as school begins because parents pull their hair out with stress as some of their children go back to school and have major adjustment problems!!!!!

Much of the problem is too many parents think they can ride by the seat of their pants and that things will somehow go well between you and your child.

As millions of families are busy shopping for school supplies, the truth is every family must make significant adjustments in order to ensure the family atmosphere will not deteriorate due to the radical loss of freedom for your child and dramatic increase in stressors that come along with the demands of school.

These new demands and loss of freedom bring children and their parents into necessary conflict.  Here are 4 blogs that have been some of our most popular, that give you very specific step-by-step advice on how you hold Family Meetings and set up sustainable and fair family ground rules that will withhold the storminess you will no doubt experience this school year.

Parenting ground rules with technology use to minimize fighting and maximize character development

Tired of reminding your kids to do chores? 10 steps to a chore system that runs itself, and teaches your kids “inner discipline”

Setting your child up for success and preventing likely crises this school year

Ground rules to avoid bitter homework battles with your child

Use these blogs to plan the Family Meeting that you need to hold this Sunday!  Trust me, you will thank me if you read even one of these blogs and apply some of the advice.

Given the out-of-control technology use and sense of entitlement children now have, parenting has never been more difficult than it is now.  Parents, you need to have an even more pre-planned structure than any generation of parents have ever needed.




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Meet Doctor Brunner

Dr. Thomas (Tom) Brunner is a Tucson based psychologist and published expert who has a 20 year track record of clinical excellence, scientific research, teaching, publications, awards and podcast interviews.  He is the senior author of a psychological measure adapted into 14 languages worldwide, and has written over 250 blogs, many of them have gone viral.  He is revolutionizing the field of career guidance with his fresh and trademarked approach that is spreading like wildfire. Sign up here to be notified of soon to be published book, Find Your Real Me: Career Guidance Making You Truly Free.