Dr. Brunner’s scientifically based anger tool, the State Trait Anger Expression Inventory, Second Edition, for children and adolescents, is being adapted into its 7th language. Other languages into which this measure is being tranlated include Italian, Spanish, Farsi, and Turkish. Only three years ago Dr. Brunner and his colleague Dr. Charles Spielberger published the STAXI-2 C/A, a brief 35-item self-report multidimensional measure of youth anger. More information is available at this link: https://www.doctorbrunner.com/anger-management/
The STAXI-2 C/A is a cross-culturally validated multidimensional measure that comprehensively yet concisely assesses anger such that a wide variety of anger related problems (bullying, threats, aggression, suicide, etc.) can be handled efficiently via the use of an “anger profile”. This new youth anger measure is modeled after an adult measure (STAXI-2; Spielberger, 1999) of anger that has been adapted into 27 languages.
Although anger is widely considered a “psychological vital sign”, there is a paucity of good anger measures, and very few studies addressing how anger is related to problems such as suicide (anger turned inward), school shootings (anger explosiveness), bullying (poor anger management), and depression (which is often highly correlated to overly internalized anger as research indicates).
The STAXI-2 C/A also aids intervention and can help with assessing the success of anger treatment or potentially, bullying interventions as well. This anger measure complements threat assessment tools, and Dr. Brunner has given talks around the country about this issue.