–We continue to provide premier services to the healthcare community in the Southwestern US and beyond, as well as serving the increasing needs of the legal community seeking expert opinions and/or high quality psychological assessment. Increasing needs in the business community, which recognizes the unique value of behavioral science in screening employee applicants and developing top talent.
— We continue to benefit from an excellent group of staff and research associates. Our newest addition to the team is my assistant Denice Salazar, who is truly excellent and will welcome a call from any of you or your friends who may have questions.
— Feel free to view Dr. Brunner’s newest professional portfolio online on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=AAIAABfwthABOjDvTU-tXPYD8i–r42iLC7bhms&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile
Behavioral science updates:
-Update on the list of Empirically Supported Psychological Treatments (EST’s): https://www.div12.org/psychological-treatments/treatments/
-My Blog about EST’s: https://www.doctorbrunner.com/what-are-the-most-powerful-psychological-techniques-how-to-find-the-best-help-for-you-or-your-childs-emotional-or-behavioral-issues/
-My Blog about questions you can ask any mental health practitioner to interview them and assess the credibility:
– Podcast audio interview of Dr. Brunner talking about EST’s with nationally renowned child authority: http://www.strugglingteens.com/audio/Interviews/2015/DrTomBrunner-GettingTreatmentRight150429.mp3
-Our internationally published and widely utilized State Trait Anger Expression Inventory – Second Edition (STAXI-2 C/A) has now been adapted into 10 languages around the globe. Most recently, our measure is being adapted into Urdu. We worked with research team in countries including Germany, China, Cuba, and Spain. Learn more here: https://www.doctorbrunner.com/anger-management/
Audience favorite: Critical issue blog that went viral!
—Adolescents, Pornography and Parenting: https://www.doctorbrunner.com/what-does-a-documentary-about-young-females-going-into-the-pornography-industry-have-to-do-with-how-you-parent-your-adolescent-more-than-you-want-to-admit/
–Follow-up podcast interview of Dr. Brunner talking about his blog about parenting and pornography with a nationally renowned adolescent professional:
Newer Services addressing growing needs:
–We continue to help parents protect their family’s finances from the “runaway college tuition train” that we have written numerous blogs about, while also helping unhappily employed adults find their career “sweet spot”. Learn more at: http://greatpeoplescience.com/find-a-stable-productive-and-filling-career/
— We are also increasingly working with families who are faced with divorce to help them minimize the negative impact on their child of the divorce. There is significant social science research indicating psychological intervention can save the family thousands of dollars as well prevent severe heartache and family conflict.
Upcoming presentations:
— Presenting as an invited panel member at the Tucson Advanced Family Law CLE Program, at the Westin La Paloma on November 20, 2015 from 9:15-10:00a.m. Topics will include: Role of psychological evaluations in family law, preparing clients to undergo a custody evaluation, and forensic therapy/treatment client tips for attorneys.
— Presenting for the second time at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Arizona Chapter Annual Sedona Conference. Presentation taking place Saturday January 30th, 10:30-12, where Dr. Brunner will be presenting as part of a panel on the assessment of “Hazardous Parenting Material”: Assessing and working with coercive, controlling, and narcissistic styles of behaviors.
Updated scientific information on Cogmed, the most scientifically supported, non-medication based approach to treating ADHD-like symptoms:
–Example of a Cogmed story of hope arising out of this deeply scientifically-based technique for treating ADHD-issues:
This breakthrough treatment utilizes the latest neuroscientific advances to put control of focusing problems back in the hands of people, not pills.
Some of our most widely read blogs:
(We have approximately 6,000 readers nationwide every month!)
What has Dr. Brunner been up to in the last five years?
General Healthcare: https://www.doctorbrunner.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Brunner_general_vitae_072919.pdf
Forensic/Legal: https://www.doctorbrunner.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/FINAL_Brunner_vitae_Forensic_091719.pdf
30-second updates on our broadening range of services:
If you have an idea for a topic you would like us to blog about, feel free to email us at: solutions@doctorbrunner.com
We wish all of you a peaceful and rejuvenating fall season!!!!