My 7 Integrity Commitments to Further Understand How Unique I Am
I will not pass you around to other people who do pieces of your assessment. This is to ensure the smoothest process and richest integration of all the pieces of your complex personality, so solving the puzzle causing your problems is most efficiently solved.
I will not use technicians or people with lower levels of training and experience to interpret scores from the questionnaires or measures you complete. That way your information is handled by a PhD assessment expert drawing from my over 20 years of experience.
I promise to be humble. I will draw from my large network of colleagues when necessary, so I am utilizing the perspectives of those who have knowledge bases that I don’t. This is to ensure that while your case is handled by one person, you get the benefit of the wisdom of my large network of learning, speech and language, teaching, medical, tutoring and other types of specialists I have grown relationships with over two decades.
The feedback I give, and the report I craft, will be totally customized to your situation, versus producing a generic report. That way we go far beyond generic diagnostic categories, and we appreciate your nuanced individuality.
I will always focus on trying to help you understand what set of key factors are critically impacting the problems you want solved, versus making my end goal a generic diagnosis that can leave you confused about what to do next. Remember, 10 people with a condition like ADHD, are psychologically speaking, 10 very different people.
When given the opportunity, I will be a diligent detective who interviews those who know the person being evaluated best, such as a friend, teacher, partner or coach. That way, you will receive the most thorough and reliable evaluation, versus a rushed evaluation narrowly based on a biased or singular perspective.
I am dedicated to being thoughtfully integrative. When given the opportunity, I will always integrate information from other professionals (e..g, tutors, physicians, teachers, coaches) to give you the most credible evaluation of treatment. I will always assume I have a lot to learn from others who have worked with you.