Spring 2016 Good to Great Newsletter

New Service Addressing Our Epidemic of Unhappy Students and Professionals!

 Throughout a decade of working with students and adult professionals, Dr. Brunner has developed a scientific method for helping students and professionals find educational and career pathways that are deeply synchronized to who they REALLY are.

View the movie he produced depicting this process: http://personalizedmatching.com/

Overview of services: http://personalizedmatching.com/what-we-provide/overview-of-services/

Read more about his method called Personalized College and Career Matching (PCM) here.

You are invited to attend his free public presentation on PCM being held at the Aloft Tucson University Hotel (Speedway and Campbell) on April 14, 2016, at 6 PM!

Synopsis:  Drawing from cutting edge behavioral science, and as a published expert in personality assessment, Dr. Brunner will discuss what credible vocational assessment looks like.  No matter if you are a student or late career professional, how to find work environments that are deeply synchronized to your innermost patterns will be discussed.  Critical topics contained within his presentation will include the following:  how to know if your adolescent is prepared to go to college, what is credible vocational assessment, what do you need to do to gain a scientifically credible grasp of your “vocational personality“.

Dr. Brunner’s college and career guidance portfolio is available here, and his full work portfolio as a practitioner, consultant, and expert is available here.

— Presented as an invited panel member at the Tucson Advanced Family Law CLE Program, sponsored by the Arizona Bar Association, at the Westin La Paloma on November 20, 2015.  Topics included:  Role of psychological evaluations in family law, preparing clients to undergo a custody evaluation, and forensic therapy/treatment client tips for attorneys.  Dr. Brunner presentation was entitled Forensic Therapy 101 and focused on educating attorneys and judges on the characteristics and best practices involved in conducting forensic therapy with court involved clients and families. Link to materials here.

— Dr. Brunner presented alongside a family law judge and Tucson attorney at the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Arizona Chapter Annual Sedona Conference on January 30, 2016, as part of a panel on the assessment of “Hazardous Parenting Material”: Assessing and working with coercive, controlling, and narcissistic styles of behaviors.  Dr. Brunner discussed how behavioral science could be used to assess and contain toxic parenting behaviors. His presentation materials are available here. This presentation was very warmly received and Dr. Brunner will consider doing the same presentation in other venues.  If you know an audience who might be interested, contact Denice, Dr. Brunner’s assistant, at 520-314-4772.

Our internationally published and widely utilized State Trait Anger Expression Inventory – Second Edition (STAXI-2 C/A) has now been adapted into 11 languages around the globe.  Most recently, our measure is being adapted into Lithuanian and Urdu.  We have worked with research team in countries including Germany, China, Cuba, and Spain. We also just completed an Expert Review of a Yoga Module for Anger Management in Adolescents from Bangalore, India.

Updated scientific information on Cogmed, the most scientifically supported, non-medication based approach to treating ADHD-like symptoms:


–We continue to provide premier services to the healthcare community in the Southwestern US and beyond, as well as serving the increasing needs of the legal community seeking expert opinions and/or high quality psychological assessment.

— Feel free to view Dr. Brunner’s newest professional portfolio online on LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=AAIAABfwthABOjDvTU-tXPYD8i–r42iLC7bhms&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile


What are references you can use to understand what the most powerful behavioral science methods are? Here are some links to gold standard references:

-Update on the list of Empirically Supported Psychological Treatments (EST’s):  https://www.div12.org/psychological-treatments/treatments/ 

-My Blog about EST’s: https://www.doctorbrunner.com/what-are-the-most-powerful-psychological-techniques-how-to-find-the-best-help-for-you-or-your-childs-emotional-or-behavioral-issues/

-My Blog about questions you can ask any mental health practitioner to interview them and assess the credibility:

 Podcast audio interview of Dr. Brunner talking about EST’s with nationally renowned child authority:   http://www.strugglingteens.com/audio/Interviews/2015/DrTomBrunner-GettingTreatmentRight150429.mp3


Newer Services addressing growing needs:

–We continue to help parents protect their family’s finances from the “runaway college tuition train” that we have written numerous blogs about, while also helping unhappily employed adults find their career “sweet spot”.   Learn more at:  http://greatpeoplescience.com/find-a-stable-productive-and-filling-career/

— We are also increasingly working with families who are faced with divorce to help them minimize the negative impact on their child of the divorce.  There is significant social science research indicating psychological intervention can save the family thousands of dollars as well prevent severe heartache and family conflict.


Some of our most recent and widely read blogs (approx. 7,000 monthly viewers)







30-second updates on our broadening range of services:

Link to new college and career guidance services: http://personalizedmatching.com/what-we-provide/overview-of-services/


If you have an idea for a topic you would like us to blog about, feel free to email us at: solutions@doctorbrunner.com


We wish all of you a relaxing spring and summer season!!!!

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Meet Doctor Brunner

Dr. Thomas (Tom) Brunner is a Tucson based psychologist and published expert who has a 20 year track record of clinical excellence, scientific research, teaching, publications, awards and podcast interviews.  He is the senior author of a psychological measure adapted into 14 languages worldwide, and has written over 250 blogs, many of them have gone viral.  He is revolutionizing the field of career guidance with his fresh and trademarked approach that is spreading like wildfire. Sign up here to be notified of soon to be published book, Find Your Real Me: Career Guidance Making You Truly Free.