Brunner article in internationally syndicated website RealClearMarkets

Growing co-parenting therapy service:

Ensures divorcing parents forge a set of common parenting ground rules to minimize damage to children and to raise morally grounded children.
Working closely with schools to develop comprehensive but concise plans to ensure children with special needs receive appropriate accommodations
Helping parents and schools know what kind of school accommodations are best for kids with ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Learning disability or learning issues, and correcting misdiagnosis.

Addressing Epidemic of Unemployed College Graduates
Our 30-second brochure explains Dr. Brunner’s diversity of services designed to be customized to ensure precise personality career fit.

-Our brief movie revealing our process:
-Career service overview: Overview of Services – What We Provide
Career guided clients now successful:
JD degree at University of Michigan
-Student entering Agriculture Engineering
-Undergraduate working as Environmental Social media Consultant, and winning
research awards
-Entering Geological Sciences M.A. program
-Working as Sports Psychologist of NCAA Div I
-Worker for US Congressman on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.
Congratulations to our Career Guidance Client, Grace Wofford
2 days ago, University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins, presented Grace with 2 prestigious awards from the University of Arizona: the Undergraduate First Place Environmental Impact Award, and the Undergraduate President’s Award, which also included a $1,000 award. No doubt Grace has a bright future!!

Dr. Brunner now a licensed psychologist in New Mexico
Given the increased requests for Dr. Brunner’s expertise in Forensic and Expert Witness work coming from attorneys in New Mexico, Dr. Brunner is now a licensed active psychologist in Arizona and New Mexico. Most recently, Dr. Brunner’s facilitated expert diagnosis for a personal injury case in New Mexico.

Our Talent Development/Peak Performance services continue to grow, as we now have Olympic athletes as clientele

Why psychologists are an essential part of coaching teams?
Brunner answer: “The Future of High Performance Athletics will increasingly be driven by Sports Psychologists”
If you are the parent of a student athlete, you will want to read this article!
Dr. Brunner working closely with pediatric specialists on early detection of Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and Pediatric Autoimmune neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS)

Our anger measure continues to be used in athletic, forensic, clinical, medical, and school settings
Providing cutting-edge tools to Arizona’s legal community

Any parent can use this form to precisely nail down the functional characteristics of any problem or concern.
Free Sample:
Our top 10 most widely read blogs:
–10 Effective Parental steps to take
amidst the recent tidal wave of sexual abuse allegations
–The Three most common student problems
schools and parents overlook that Precise Evaluation corrects
–Effective Parental steps to Protect Your
Child from the School Shooter
–The Future of High Performance Athletics
will increasingly be driven by Sports Psychologists
–The Best Holiday Gift you can Give your
Child is likely the hardest to give
–Why do kids keep eating Tide Pods?
–How to find Books and Movies that will
help your kids grow and safeguard them from inappropriateness
–Critical take home points for parents
from a 45 year study of 5,000 “genius” children
–Why most young adults are floundering on
their parents’ couch even though higher education and technical training
options have exploded
–The 26 tips for ensuring your child
reaches their full potential and becomes who they are meant to be
Join about 7,000 people who are now reading our blogs weekly.
We Welcome Your Ideas:
If you have an idea for a topic you would like us to blog about, feel free to email us at: