What is the most powerful non-medication based way to improve ADHD and/or focusing problems?

I have conducted ADHD treatment in Tucson on hundreds of children and adults over the last 20 years.   

A multitude of parents, teachers, and pediatricians continually ask me this:  “What is the most powerful non-medication based way to improve ADHD and/or focusing  problems?

Hands down, the answer is Cogmed (cogmed.com)!  But what I tell people to do is evaluate the scientific data behind this method rather than trusting any one professionals opinion.

Everyone wants to minimize of terminate usage of medication, given side effects as well as that it does not teach people skills, it simply muffles symptoms.  Cogmed is like a “Brain Gym” that forces the brain to repeatedly learn to focus better.  It combines “Old School” hardwork with “New School” neuroscience research.

How it Works: Cogmed utilizes the concept of neuroplasticity, the reality that the brain – when forced to carry out the same kind of task to increasingly difficult degrees, will often improve with that skill – not just in the moment but far into the future. For example, once you learn to ride a bike, you retain that ability due to a strengthened set of skills that are retained since they were repeatedly carried out.

Superior Scientific status:  Cogmed remains the most well-researched and scientifically supported non-medication based approach to treating focusing and working memory problems in the world.  Summary of current research:  http://www.cogmed.com/research

Giant Global footprint:  Over 70,000 people have now completed Cogmed worldwide, and it is now available in 10 languages and 32 countries.

Head-to-head “gladiator” comparison with other methods:  A head-to-head comparison of  Cogmed compared shows why is it superior.  Email me (solutions@doctorbrunner.com) and I can send you a table comparing Cogmed to others methods such as Lumosity.

When running Cogmed through a  scientific credibility filter, how does it come out?  I wrote a blog on this that went viral:  https://www.doctorbrunner.com/evaluating-scientific-credibility-in-an-age-of-misinformation-lessons-from-a-new-non-medication-based-adhd-treatment-called-cogmed/

Top 12 reasons why this doctor who tends to be a “doubting Thomas” is still using Cogmed after over 4 years of using it (click here to read them!)

The list of institutions, hospitals, or conferences where I have presented to members of the scientific community continues to grow and now includes numerous places in Southern Arizona including University Medical Center, St. Joseph’s Hospital, and Pima County Medical Society.  Also, during my keynote presentation at the 15th annual conference on Critical Issues Facing Children and Adolescents in Salt Lake City I discussed the innovative and unique nature of Cogmed.

Most recently, I discussed Cogmed during my presentation at the University of Arizona’s 13th Annual Women’s Health Symposium, sponsored by the University of Arizona College of Medicinehttps://www.doctorbrunner.com/spotting-camouflaged-but-common-and-dangerous-pediatric-rattlesnakes/

A very personal story of a girl conquering ADHD using Cogmed: https://www.doctorbrunner.com/an-adolescent-named-meredith-who-overcame-adhd-a-story-of-hope/

A final note regarding transparency:  Numerous families have expressed openness to talking to others who are considering this treatment for themselves or their child.  Feel free to email me if you want to not only review the research, but talk with those who have chosen Cogmed.

Bottom Line:  If you know someone who would prefer to strengthen their brain’s focusing ability rather than take medication (or work to minimize medication), feel free to forward this information. 



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Meet Doctor Brunner

Dr. Thomas (Tom) Brunner is a Tucson based psychologist and published expert who has a 20 year track record of clinical excellence, scientific research, teaching, publications, awards and podcast interviews.  He is the senior author of a psychological measure adapted into 14 languages worldwide, and has written over 250 blogs, many of them have gone viral.  He is revolutionizing the field of career guidance with his fresh and trademarked approach that is spreading like wildfire. Sign up here to be notified of soon to be published book, Find Your Real Me: Career Guidance Making You Truly Free.